Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Who am I?

I've found myself asking this question a lot recently (who am I?) My whole life has done a complete 180 since December 2015 - That's 8 months.

I have gone from doing zero gym work, eating rubbish, drinking a lot of booze (binging) and not knowing what I want in life to actually working everything out in my mind, sorting myself out, getting my game face on and taking complete control of my actions/life.
Man it feels awesome!

> I am day 4 officially (more days unofficially) being alcohol free. I'm aiming for 30 days to start, but shall see if I actually want to drink after that point. #OneYearNoBeer
> My nutrition is 99% better than it use to be. Yeah I eat cake and enjoy it. I also do juice. But my diet on the whole is generally much better than it was. I use to eat a lot of take out and when eating out always use to eat chips, now I look straight at the salad! I never thought I'd be that woman!!
> Training wise I'm lifting heavier weights than I thought I ever could, I am now running (!) I hate it but am doing it, I enjoy bike rides, swimming, have even done crossfit and enjoyed it so, so, so much. I'm constantly looking for more exciting ways to train.
> I'm clearing out the house of unwanted/unused clutter. This feels good. Its well needed. I now need to buy boxes to pack it all. In-fact I've so much that I shall be putting some items on eBay, to put towards my Team Fortitude total. What better reason to do so?! Helping charity. #PTSDenied

With regards to the question 'who am I?' I'm not entirely sure to be honest, but I am liking my transformation and am glad I am not the person I was 8 months ago.

One of my before and after pics.
Left 3 years ago - Right Last week after having my hair chopped.


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