Saturday, 19 March 2016

TEAM FORTITUDE - Lets save lives

Oh, Hey there!
Nice of you to drop by.
What's that..? What's Team Fortitude?!?!
Well, why don't you grab yourself a glass of chilled water or some super green juice (even better - BOTH) pull up a seat & sit down... Cause Im'ma tell you!

TEAM FORTITUDE are a bunch of regular peoples, like myself, doing extraordinary things for a good cause. That is the short version.

The REAL version...?

This year, the year of 2016, we are all doing MUDDY EVENTS. Lots of us are doing more than one muddy event and/or raising money also awareness other ways like 'normal' races etc.
The muddy events are literally what it says on the tin. A very, very, extremely muddy & wet event (not a race may I add!!) that involves you going around a track of sorts that has lots of different obstacles along the way. Ones that give you little electric shocks, you swim under, you crawl through muddy ground with barbed wire above you... Get the picture? Good.

Races are taking place all over the UK and Ireland, like the ones I'm partaking in - Tough Mudder in Grantham to name but one.
The team has a website that I will detail at the end for more info.

Yes, I know. You are now wandering why we are wanting to throw ourselves into muddy pits, dirty water, slide down muddy walls, potentially lose our shoes and Erm... Yeah... Get MUDDY!?!
Well treacle's! It is for an awesome charity that I have previously mentioned very briefly before - Rock 2 Recovery.

ROCK 2 RECOVERY is a charity that helps the guys & girls that are serving our country, have served our country and are struggling with illnesses like PTSD.
These illnesses need speaking about more in-depth alone, as too many people are dying from trying to hide it/the symptoms or the help, the help, that they NEED (!) not getting to them at the right, no actually, the most critical time and also for the rest of time!!!
Rock 2 Recovery also help their loved ones. This isn't something you see from all charities. Novel almost.

Now, in my opinion, if you are living in our country, warm, fed, roof over your head, have an income and are being cared for - We have our Military to Thank for that!! They have fought & continue to fight for our freedom of speech, our right to live & everything you see around you right now!
So, don't we owe them something back, if they are struggling???

Well, I do. This is why I am up off my ass doing something about it!!

Those of us who want to make a difference to those that truly need it via ROCK 2 RECOVERY are part of TEAM FORTITUDE. With many Thanks to two amazing women who set it all up as well as having jobs.

There is a website >
Twitter > @TeamFortitude16
Facebook > Team Fortitude
There are different sections for you to look at. So, if you want to just donate, that's cool! You're still totally helping!
If you want to join, get involved!!
If you want to see who the 'Recruits' are, go for it!

We all have individual targets to get by the end of the year for our TEAM total.

Mine is £1000. That is reachable.
**UPDATE - I have now achieved this with help from friends and family - THANK YOU!
However it doesn't stop here. Plenty of the team still need their targets and we still need to help those that deserve it; it isn't without your help the we can make a difference and stop suicides.
Team Fortitude - Kate - Donate

Any donation helps, any.

You could save a life; that will then impact a whole family & their friends.


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