Friday, 8 April 2016

My focus & changing body

As you all know (cause its all I bang on about!) my life revolves around the gym, eating well and TEAM FORTITUDE.
With these factors, this means that my body is going through some changes... Dramatic at that!
Its all good change and I am reaping the rewards from it all and loving the results I am starting to see in the mirror. I am actually starting to like aspects of myself. Its an odd thing as, I would probably go as far to say that I kinda hated myself & the way I looked. Bad, I know.

My skin is looking really good without makeup and I can actually go to the shop or the gym without any makeup or a little tinted moisturiser, rather than a thick foundation (gym + makeup = huge no, no. Cue spots!) I praise water & all the fruit and veg I am consuming.

The fat on my legs is rapidly dispersing, my tummy is looking flatter than it has in years, my back is toning nicely, the bum is getting nicely rounded bubble butt, I'm coming for you! Shoulders are looking defined and I have muscles forming in my arms that I never knew I had!!
This must, MUST, be down to the fact that I include weight training (strength training) as well as the typical cardio & mat work, for me to lose weight & tone up this rapidly?

The thing is, I don't want to be stick thin. I'm all about strength and tone. Being strong is my main aim. I not only think its a healthy way to approach things for body confidence, but I also think that it looks damn sexy!
What's better that to have an amazing form? It shows that you are committed to looking after and conditioning yourself. It shows that you take yourself serious in the right way. I like this fact.
I love it when I see girls lifting in the gym! Especially when we are on par with the lads. Haha.

I also enjoy finding new ways to exercise or do things - I'll come back to this another day.

Where does TEAM FORTITUDE come into action?
Well, as the team are getting muddy this year, its a great thing to focus on training in the gym for. Like running, cross training, weights etc. So I have a proper focus.

Next year, things are going up a few notches... We are looking at climbing Machu Picchu (Here's the link from Wikipedia Machu_Picchu ) yep... Amazing! Scary, but amazing.
Also, as I unfortunately haven't been able to join the team at BREAK-POINT this year, I am making it a personal aim for me to get my butt there next year! I can; I will.
Oh... There also may be a spot of bungee jumping and a possibility of jumping out of a plane!!
From all of the above, you can see that I have some good reasons to focus at the gym. HAHA.

All a tad challenging and a bit scary, but doable. Plus its all for charity in the form of ROCK2RECOVERY.

For now,


For those that want to know, this is my transition so far:

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