Saturday, 12 March 2016

One of my favourite things

One of my favourite things in life is waking up to bird song.
Its the most beautiful sound to hear in life. Normally when the birds are singing it means that daylight is on its way. The sun is rising.
How can one not be filled with warmth & delight with the sun streaming through the crack in the curtains, the birds chirping away, all warm & snug in bed. What an utterly amazing way to start the day. It makes me smile (and having to take my tablets less depressing).

As Spring is edging closer & the days are brighter earlier, I sit there at a rather early time (approx. 05:30) against the cool leather headboard, pillow at my back, hugging my duvet, staring at the light through the crack in my curtains out of the window, listening contently to the birds chatting and singing to each other. More than likely with a smile on my face. I sit there for a good while.

The fact that a simple thing like this can completely change attitude & mind set for the day, proves that a positive thought at the start of the day can have a massive impact on the rest of your day.
I really try to live by this. It sucks having to take meds in the morning and night, but I HAVE to as they keep me alive and ticking over. I try to concentrate on positives and cute singing birdies are one of the BEST positives to concentrate on.

Pic from Google search.

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