Friday, 27 November 2015

Black Friday - GAH!!

Oh, sorry, what was that? We have sales on in pretty much every shop? Everyone is going a bit mental over them? And acting like the world is ending as they really need to buy these product like now, NOW, otherwise they will have to save up and it will cost more?!

That, right there, is a load of rubbish. Complete tosh.
Yes there are sales (big shock!) but they kinda start in December before Christmas anyways, or at the very least boxing day.
The stuff in the sales are end of line products, bits and bobs that are slowly to be knocked down in price next year, as there is already something in blue print/post production. Makes sense to bump it off and get it off the shelves really!
People thinking that they are saving money whilst attending this (time wasting) 'money saving' event, actually aren't saving money if they get carried away in this very clever and retailers marketing dream... You think you are saving money. However bear these questions in mind:
> Do you know what the price of the product was before hand?
> Do you know if another product is to replace it, thus knocking this price lower when newer product is launched?
> What are you buying the product for? Like, do you actually need it?
> Is it a gift? If its a gift, can you get a gift receipt, so that the person receiving it can return the gift if unwanted/duplicated/un-liked/faulty?
> In general, can you afford it?

So many people get themselves into debt over Christmas before the events like Black Friday and Cyber Monday came into action.

Think as you are enjoying the atmosphere or typing on your laptop/tablet/phone have you got the money? Are you paying by credit card? If so, can you pay it off before you incur charges? If you are using a loan company, how much interest do you have to pay back on top of what you borrow?

Personally, what I do is:
> Make a plan of who I need to buy for.
> When am I going?
> What am I getting?
> Why that product?
> Where from?
> How am I buying it? Like payment wise.
> Max spend. Set a limit. DO NOT go over!
> Draw the CASH out.
> DO NOT use card.

If I use the above, it means I don't go OTT and the shops cant use their clever marketing on me. Sale or no sale! I mean don't get me wrong, its fab if its a bit cheaper, but I've worked for my money and am willing to pay what I need to for said gifts.

This time of year (anytime actually) is about spending time with loved ones and cherishing moments together. Making memories (in my case, trying to remember!).
You cant buy them!


 pic Bing search.

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