Friday, 24 April 2015

The POWER of Lipstick

There is no doubt about it, I am still totally obsessed with lipstick!
There is no a day with makeup that goes by that I don't have one of my lippy's on.

                                               ME TODAY - SORRY FOR WET HAIR!

The brighter and bolder the better. While everyone seems to be going for muted tones, nudes, pale pinks, pastels all in the name of Spring, there's me rocking a purple, mauve, red, or bright pink! I love it!

There is something about lipstick that just instantly just cheers me up. :D Also, it can give me that bit of confidence when I need it. Mainly when I'm at work. I feel as though I can hide behind it. Its my personal mask. One that I get to change at any moment, anytime, any day. :) The best thing is... It doesn't run when I have a melt down cry!! Like I did at work on Wednesday. #Awks :/ My mascara ran, but my lipstick game was STRONG! No, retouching needed. Thank You, Iconic London for your fantastic waterproof lip liners & high pigment lippys!

You may have read previous blogs about this new beauty brand. I am slowly building my collection of liners, lipsticks & liquid lipsticks from them. I plan to have them ALL!! I love, love, LOVE them.
The liners are sooooooo waterproof that I rarely have to top them up if I am only using them for the day. If I do, then it is only the middle section. A-M-A-ZE, right? They only need a small amount of pressure for a lot of colour too.
Then add your chosen lippy on top. They have an option of two... Either your normal lipstick OR liquid lipstick... Liquid lipstick comes in a gloss style tube, but it is lipstick, that dries matte! #EPIC

                                              BEING 'NORMAL' - MIXED UP COLOURS TODAY (ON PURPOSE)

Like I was saying though, I feel lipstick can make a woman FEEL powerful & change her mood to be positive. It does me. Next time you see your fellow lady (or if your are a man reading this - HI - a gorgeous lady) just compliment her lipstick and see what her reaction is... You may be surprised as to what her reaction is. But, you WILL make her SMILE. :)

Thanks for reading.
What's your favourite lippy?
Do you have a go to, to PERK you up?

I would love to chat to you & hear your opinions on LIPSTICK, so stop by for a chat. ;)



ps. website for ICONIC LONDON

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