Sunday, 4 September 2016

OCR Training - Airfield Anarchy

This weekend has been another Team Fortitude weekend.

We were attempting to refine our obstacle course skills once more with
Urban Attacks Rob Edmund
and the Airfield Anarchy team.

As I sit here and write this, I can see my bruises turning more purple and am finding more areas that have bits of damage/ache... Its rather awesome! Ha.

As usual we were split into advanced & novice.
I took novice! Defo! The monkey bars aren't my friend.


Walls - Monkey bars - Cargo Net - Net Climb - Rope Climb

Now, they sound ok, they look easy.
Try and do them when they are taller than you and you jump for them each time...
Add in the fact its pouring with rain and your grip is not grippy enough!! Haha.
That is proper entertainment right there!

I was at the top of the net climb, one leg over the top of the scaffold, the net either side uber slack & it starts hammering down with rain... I slip and shout
"OMG, I'm gonna die!!" 
Totally dramatic, but I so felt vulnerable at that point. After that lil panic, I sorted my footing, gripped till my knuckles were white and was firmly on terra firma, the right way up!

I was super excited to do monkey bars, but it just didn't happen... My grip didn't like the wetness.
Also Kieron my main man weren't there to help me by shouting obscenities at me constantly, to make me get angry and want to smack him in the face like last time (he laid on top of the bars last time and said if I got to him, I could smash him in the face...)

Walls... I done it this time!!!!
Multiple times!
I can get over a wall on me own - Safely.

Cargo net, there's only one saying for this:
Commando crawls, on a sodden floor, under cargo netting.
I do actually quite like this activity... Yep, screw is loose, potentially gone!
I lost my trainers 3 times; didn't stop, just kicked em off and carried on in my socks.

After lunch it was competition time.
Tyres are a new thing for me to love and hate all at once.
Pushing a tyre on the floor - on hands an knees, jumping over walls with it, crawling under walls oh and a spot of running with the thing!
Yeah, that was a small dose of what we done... The Novice group had it worse than the Advanced!!!

All the team done epic - As well as others there.

A trail run was done at the end. The fella come 2nd in that.
I snuck off to change as was freeeeeezing.

All in all, I cant wait for more & I am going to conquer those monkey bars next time!!

Last note... Look at my besties back muscle development!


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