Saturday, 10 October 2015

IIH - Weightloss

Hi Babes!

I'm back!!

I think it is safe to say my posts from here on in are going to be a tad sporadic...

Its as myself and my fellow supervisor are having to manage the store - that we have literally just got the job for under a month ago - as we are awaiting our new store manager - who will start in approx. a month.
We have some leavers too, so we are trying to get some REAL TIGERS through our door that will put their heart and sole into the company just like myself and the others are doing!!

Anyways, off my work subject.


Are you finding it hard to lose weight?
Cant you not shift those pounds?
Do you not have the energy?
Does you head hurt?


Well, that was me a lil while ago. 18 Months approx.

Then I took action!!

I decided to get happy - change job.
I decided to loose weight - change eating habits - and exercise.

Now I ain't telling you to join the gym!
I done mine walking & walking. Plus exercising at home.

I managed to lose 4 stone in a year through diet only - Mainly due to the terrible side effects of my tablets. Boo.
It still come off. It NEEDED TO!

If we are being upfront and honest... Yeah, I was fat, obese... And the fat, extra weight, (the extra weight I was carrying) NEEDED to come off!! For good. Forever. For better.
I didn't get told that my IIH was due to being fat or overweight but lets face it, it wasn't helping, right?!
I  mean I don't want anything else creeping up on me, as well as IIH!!
No ta!

Since I started work (a month ago) I have lost more weight.
Now I am not sure how much, as I have not weighed myself (bit scared!!)
but I have lost enough for my Fiancé, Dad, Mum & Grandad to comment how much weight I have lost. I mean these are the people I see all the time too!

The reason for this post??
Well IIH'ers.... I want to say to you all that it CAN be done!!

I have been through the most horrific time with my IIH... Just ask my Neurologist, My Neuro Surgeon & GP! They would tell you (if its easier read THIS)

However with determination, a healthy diet & building my fitness I am well and truly getting there!!

Don't believe me?....
I got sick with IIH Valentines 2014, I spent 3-4 weeks in hospital - after being rushed in 3 times... (on the 1st stint), I had to learn how to feed myself again, how to walk properly again (without the aid of a wheelchair), I had my memory go from photographic to how it is now, I had/have memory wiped...

I've gone from the above to being able to cook, clean, walk, walk up and down stairs, do my hair, makeup, keep house, get a new job, keep my team together, oh and manage everything to keep it going smooth!!

Guys, I've done this in 20 Months... A little over a year and a half.

Get active!
Yes, we are in a shit predicament. However, when has feeling sorry for yourself got you anywhere?!
We ain't dying!
If we can preserve our sight, with weight loss, DO IT!!!
If you need to change/change your life to save an aspect of you humanity, F**king DO IT!!
Get off your sorry ass!!!

I've lost weight & regained sight with all the above.

Come on people.


What I'm saying is....


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  1. Wish I had your enthusiasm, Thanks for the kick up the but though. I am working on it ;) x

    1. Totes got to be positive when it comes to life and living... Well everything in general if you can. :)
      I mean I went 3 months with going blind in one eye and little vision in one, if me losing weight can help stop that and also my general health, then damn I am down with that!!!
      PS glad you took it in the positive way I meant! ;*
