Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Clear out; for a CLEAR mind.

^This is the plan^

You all must be aware of what Spring cleaning is (?)
Well, I have decided to turn it on its head and go for an end of Summer/Autumn clear out & clean!

Myself and my Fiancé just cant help but look around the house (most days) and see that we don't use certain items or something that doesn't quite fit with everything else in that specific room, we just need to have a good sort out, have a good go through stuff, chuck, clean and ahhhh, breathe.

We don't have our house in a mess. Far from it.
We actually clean quite a lot. He hoovers everyday. I clean the kitchen everyday. The living and dining room gets dusted every other day if not everyday.
However, he gets frustrated with me as I seem to accumulate a lot of 'rubbish'. Not rubbish as in, trash, but I tend to keep little bits and bobs for a bit tooooooo long. #awks. So, I gotta sort it. He keeps waaaay too many receipts though!! Lol.

^Don't think much cleaning
would get done if I wore this!^

We have jumped on our moment of 'Lets get organised' like a cats on toy mice!
I am already saying what rooms we will start on, what cupboards, also he has told me what cleaning products we need. The plan is taking place.

The best thing about it is we have decided together. Its not one person bossing the other around! In fact I was mulling over how to suggest it to him, when he handed me a cuppa and said what he would like to start doing in the house... Perfect. (I may have planted seeds. Shhh)

Anyways, look at me going on, as normal!

Basically, I really do think that if we clear our house out, clean, tidy, buy what we need new (after a hefty car boot) then it will do both of our brains the world of good!
Because... A tidy house is A tidy mind...

I mean it cant hurt can it?

What's your plans coming towards the end of Summer?
Or should I say Sumtumn? (Ok that was bad... I was trying to combine Summer & Autumn...)

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Pics from Bing search.

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