Sunday, 28 August 2016

The Battle - Blame/Shame

An amazing friend of mine has a talent of being able to put pen to paper and making words pour out to produce the most beautiful heartfelt poems.
All personal.
All very emotional.
All very honest.

We got onto the subject as we were both up at silly o'clock one night unable to sleep as both our minds were just working overtime.
The next moment I had all of these pics of the poems that she has hand written.
Blown away doesn't even begin to cut it.

I want people to be able to read her content and be aware that they aren't alone.
Most of the poems are about a particular subject (I wont delve into that just now) but in general day to day life, most people should be able to relate to them in some way.

Also, she needs to realise just how awesome her work/art/writing is!!

All I have done, is borrow one of her photos that she has also shot (!) that I thought went well with the content and have edited up her poem on top.
So, if she wants to keep it on her phone, share it or get it blown up and on the wall, she can.

Btw... I got permission from her to blog about it.

The important bit...
Her name is Crystal - She is a true gem just like her name implies.

Kate & Crystal


  1. It is a beautiful poem and the artwork gives it the life it deserves.
    You are both rare gems xxx

    1. Aw, thanks. I will pass this comment onto Crystal. I don't think we can call my editing artwork really!! Ha.
