Saturday, 8 August 2015

Headaches & IIH

I haven't done an IIH blog in a little while; mainly due to the fact I have had so much going on & general life happening, which is good but, I sort of thought 'if I refuse to acknowledge it(IIH), it may go away'... Nope. Hasn't worked. :/

Unfortunately my wonderful, fabulous headaches have made a bit of a come back over the past couple of weeks.

They have disrupted my sleep pattern, kept me awake at night, made me sleep more during the day & naturally my intake of painkillers have increased.

Its not just the headaches now. I have other bits happening; eyes are tender & nausea are in the mix too. I wont bore you with the rest!

At the moment, I am trying to keep everything at bay with multiple pain relief I have on prescription. However, to be perfectly honest... I think my pressure has crept back up a bit. :(
Its ok though. If it has, I just need to speak to my consultant & get booked in for an LP (Lumbar Puncture) and nip it in the bud, before things get worse or drastically bad.

Thing is there's absolutely no point in getting upset about it.
Its happened.
This is my life.
I have to accept it.
Deal with it.
Move on.

...Easier said than done sometimes.

Thank goodness for my Gorgeous Fiancé, Parents, Grandad & Beautiful Friends.

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